Learning, is both an emotional and cognitive process and according to researchers and teachers worldwirde, when players are engaged in activities that are intrinsically motivating, they are more prone to demonstrate deep learning. Since 1981 when Malone used digital games as a medium in order to analyze intrinsic motivation, digital games have been reported to stimulate the students’ interest, while motivating them to deploy control, curiosity and imagination. Studies within our research grouping have shown that Digital Games Based Learning (DGBL) can have a positive effect on some of the core development needs of people with Intellectual disabilities and associated sensory impairments. One current are of interests is the expansion of DGBL activities on mobile platforms. The RECALL Project describes the development and evaluation of a novel route learning system for people with disabilities using locative based services (on the Android OS) and is the output of a EU award (504970-LLP-1-2009-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP). In the following paper we will present piloting findings from the piloting use of RouteMate application as well as an initial proposal of a playful locative DGBL integration in the educational experience of users with intellectual disabilities.
Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ)
7th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion, UAHCI 2013
Τίτλος Δράσης: Ηράκλειτος ΙΙ Τίτλος Πράξης: Επιπτώσεις της Χρήσης ψηφιακών Παιχνιδιών στην Εκπαιδευτική Διαδικασία. Η περίπτωση των Μαθητών με Νοητική Υστέρηση